NEW from 17.06.2023!
We have added the PAYEER payment system to pay for magic tricks. Try to take advantage of this!
Anyone who tries to pay for training with PAYEER will receive a PROMO CODE for the purchase of 3 magic tricks on our website for FREE!
The promo code will be sent to your Email within a few hours!
If something doesn't work for you when paying via PAYEER, write to us at For this, we will also give you a promo code to buy a magic trick for free!

The Vault - Think and Sync by John Carey

Трейлер к фокусу The Vault - Think and Sync by John Carey
Описание The Vault - Think and Sync by John Carey
Два человека, два сознания - все что нужно для фокуса Think and Sync от John Carey. Предсказание карты - один из самых удивительных фокусов с картами. Немного ментализма и фокус The Vault заставит Вашего зрителя быть в состоянии шока долгое время. Обучение фокусу не трудное, поэтому советуем всем научиться делать этот трюк и положить его в свою копилку фокусов.
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John Carey's card tricks are mind-blowing! The precision and finesse remind me of the strategic gameplay in Pokerogue. If you're into mastering tricks and outsmarting your opponents, you'll love the tactical depth of Pokerogue. Thanks for sharing these magical insights—can't wait to try both!

Sadie halvorson
Sadie halvorson
Impressive card tricks! If you love mastering skills, you might also enjoy Monkey Mart. It’s a game where your strategic moves are key to success, much like perfecting a magic trick. Thanks for the magical insights!