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Billfold Billfold by Kyle Marlett | Карта/кредитка превращается в купюру
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Трейлер к фокусу Billfold Billfold by Kyle Marlett | Карта/кредитка превращается в купюру
Описание Billfold Billfold by Kyle Marlett | Карта/кредитка превращается в купюру
Simple and stunning! In this highly visual effect, you can morph credit cards, playing cards, candy wrappers, tickets, and checks into real currency! The objects melt away and change into dollar bills without any perceptible finger movement.
Many effects are possible with "Bill Fold" but this one is a favorite: you wager a dollar that you will be able to find the spectator's card. You place the dollar in her fist. Then you reveal the WRONG card. "I guess you get the dollar," you say as you change the playing card INTO a dollar bill! When she opens her hand, she discovers that the dollar she was holding has changed into her folded selection.
Use ANY currency-even plastic money.
The most attractive feature of "Bill Fold" is the idea that you will learn to customize this trick to any small paper object that you like. Use YOUR ticket stub, or a client's business card, or anything you want... and change it into real money!
На глазах зрителей карта/кредитка/{что угодно} превращается в купюру.
Many effects are possible with "Bill Fold" but this one is a favorite: you wager a dollar that you will be able to find the spectator's card. You place the dollar in her fist. Then you reveal the WRONG card. "I guess you get the dollar," you say as you change the playing card INTO a dollar bill! When she opens her hand, she discovers that the dollar she was holding has changed into her folded selection.
Use ANY currency-even plastic money.
The most attractive feature of "Bill Fold" is the idea that you will learn to customize this trick to any small paper object that you like. Use YOUR ticket stub, or a client's business card, or anything you want... and change it into real money!
На глазах зрителей карта/кредитка/{что угодно} превращается в купюру.
Загрузить обучение | Download Tutorial Billfold Billfold by Kyle Marlett | Карта/кредитка превращается в купюру
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